Thursday 3 April 2014

my magazine

My final piece-Tempo

Here is my final Front cover! Completely finished. 

Here is my contents page, completely finished. 

Finally, here is my double page spread. 
I uploaded all of my music magazine to ISSUU but the bottom of my work got cropped off at the end. 

My double page spread is now FINISHED !

Today in my double lesson of media i have completely finished my double page spread. I have change the "Pull- quote", added the artist name to the top of the page, added the page number and even added a section where the reader can win a prize. So far so good. now all is left to do is added a few more things to my front cover and contents then i will be finiished. I have no doubt i will be finished by todays deadline of 4:10.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

My first draft of the music article!

Q1) Hey Amy! How are you? Are you nervous seen as this is your FIRST ever interview?
A1) Hello Tempo.Yes, i am very well thank you but i am a little nervous, i's quite daunting having so many people interested in you all at once. Although saying that, i cant really complain too much...

Q2) Absolutely! Its something you will have to get used to in the music industry. Wouldn't you agree?
A2) Ohh, absolutely. The music industry is a tough business to get into, but i'd hazard a guess that it is even harder to stay there and keep fans interested. I'm sure only time will tell if i'm cut out for the job but fingers crossed.

Q3) Oh don't worry Amy we have No doubt that we will be seeing a lot more of you yet! One things for sure, your right about the music industry being a hard career to get into. So i'm sure i speak for everyone when i ask this; how did you do it? 
A3) Well it was actually thanks to a friend of mine at the time. We had a school concert coming up and although i had sung around the house and infront of friends, i had never dreamt of being where i am today. Anyway, one of my friends was entering as her dream has always been to make it big so to her a confidence boost she asked me to sing alongside her. i wasn't sure at first but felt i owed her this favour so agreed. After the performance a man, who i now know as Michel Dunlop, asked me if i was interested in taking singing up as a career choice, i remember laughing at first but noticed his face was quite serious. And well, a long story cut short, he signed me up and here i am. I guess he saw potential...

Q4) Wow! Thats incredible! You seem to have a lot to thank your friend for. Lets come to your age for a moment, does singing as a full time career not affect your education? After all, your only 17, surely you should be at college? 
A4)No! My parents are adamant that i continue with my education as anything could go wrong in the world of singing. To be fair i feel the same, i would rather be an intelligent singer that has a back-up plain, than a not so intelligent singer where anything can go wrong. I'm the type of person who likes to be in control of their life, i always have been like that. So in conclusion to your question i have a private tutor as i would not be able to juggle music around school hours, its impossible.

Q5) Oh. Well it sounds like you have everything all mapped out! What advice would you give someone trying to be successful in the music industry? 
A6)I would tell them not to give up on their dreams, as thats all we truly have when you think about it, and try knew things, throw yourself into the deep end- you never know, it could change your life! I mean, take me for example; if someone had told me i would be having my first interview because of a singing talent, i would have laughed at them.

Q6)Good advice! So tell us a bit about your new album? 
A6)I'm so glade you asked, i've been dyeing to talk about this all day! It's called "X x Y", and I've made around 6 tracks for the album. I particularly like X x Y as it reminds me of that feeling you get when everything falls into place, a bit like a maths question that wonderful feeling you get when you finally find that missing answer. The song was inspired to me by the event in which i got to this stage and how i've made the first step (of many i hope) to a better life. I just hope my fans will love it just as much as i do.

Q7) Thats fantastic and we cant wait to buy it! When does it go on sale? 
A7) It will be ready to buy on the 15th of october and i'll also be doing an album signing on that day in HMV at oxford street so any fans reading this please do come along!

Q8) Im sure there will be quite a turn out dont you worry. So if its ok with you Tempo would like to dig a little deeper. Do you have a music icon that inspires you? 
A8) Its funny you should ask, as a matter of fact yes i do. I absolutely love the girl band "Little Mix" they are amazing aren't they? Good job from the X-factor judges putting them lovely lot together, their music is terrific and i admire the passion they have for their work its defiantly reflected in their songs. I think my favourite song by them would have to be "DNA". The lyrics are beautiful and if im half as famous they are i will be over the moon.

Q9) Tempo 100% agree with you Little Mix are amazing and fantastic role models. Yes, the song DNA is very good. Speaking of love, is there a lucky lad in your life? 
A9) Ha... No not right now. I've never really been head over heels for any boys, i'm more of a education and fun seeking kind of girl. Plus i'm too young, i don't have time for boys what with music and school work it just wouldn't work. I think i'll save romance till im older.

Q10) Good choice. Go girl power! Finally, where do you think you'll go from here?
A10) Well im gasping! So first port of call is Starbucks! Ha... only kidding, i wouldn't like to make obnoxious predictions but i'd like to think i will continue to feed my audiences needs and make it as big as possible.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Double page spread progress

For the past week i have been making progress on my double page spread. So far i have got three images and an article. The questions are highlighted pink. There still needs to be progress on the "Pull-Quote" but for now i am focusing on the article.