Wednesday 27 November 2013

Two films to critically analyse this year!

For the two films i have to analyse i have chosen "My brother the devil" and "The woman in black". this i simply because i feel these are the best two films to compare as there is much to crtique.

Friday 15 November 2013

Font ideas

Due to this revision i have made the decision to use the font "Alice in Wonderland".

Previous school magazines

Just a few ideas i found from previous students work! some are good some have taught me to make mine better! All round a good source of revision.


Currently researching some ideas for my school magazines. This includes me looking at previously made ones from students from other schools.

revision outside of school

Just a little revision into the outside media world.

Thursday 14 November 2013

School Magazine Beginning !

Today i begun to make my magazine front cover for a school magazine. I used the website "Dafont" to chose an appropriate font for the title and decided to use the "Alice in wonderland font". I had quite a bit of trouble using photoshop but managed to sort it out in the end. I also took photos to chose from for the front cover of a range of around 7 photos. I am am know where near finished yet so will be coming at lunch and after school to complete this cover for next thursday when the deadline is. So far i have done the two things i said i would have complete by the end of today. But there is still a lot of work to do. Such as add information, a barcode,flash,date and buzzwords. So far i think i am off to a good start.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Magazine moodboard

This is a moodboard i created to show all types of different magazines within the media industry. They range from music all the way up to gossip magazines. 9 times out of 10 they will hav a famous celebrity on the front to draw attention to it and gain a massive audience market.
Made entirely be me! 

This is a good example of a magazine that is quite un-steriotypical. This will be a similar layout that i look for when making my magazine cover and the colours enhance the information.

The beginning of something special

Hi im connie,
I have just started my new blog and am an AS student  currently beginning to make a school magazine in practice for our music magazine. As a result of this i will be collecting a range of images to use and fonts for the title,so i will be posting many ideas to see which ones would work well.