Thursday 27 February 2014

Contents page - beginning

Today i have begun to make my contents page. This is how far i have come within two hours. Over the weekend or the rest of today i am going to take a load of images to finish my cover page and my contents page complete. 

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Nearly finished !!

This is my "Pop" music magazine ! I have nearly finished and received critical fed-back. Im thinking about changing the salmon pink colour to a black or darker pink. I also need to take around 10 images to pose as posters at the bottom for the reader and around 6 photos of clothing or a model in typical pop clothing to promote the magazines popularity. I am also going to take a new photo for the central image where the model is smiling so it makes it look more professional. Providing i make these changes i think my magazine will look the best i can make it, then i can move onto my contents page!!! I hope to be finished with the cover by Monday 3rd Latest. 

Friday 14 February 2014

Perfecting the Barcode,flash and shaping the magazine.

Today in my free period i decided to work on perfecting the Barcode which i got inspiration from the magazine "We Love Pop". Personally i think i have made it the best it can be as it consists of the barcode,price,issue of magazine and a website address.

Today i also worked on a little flash at the top of the page to enhance the fact the magazine is the latest one of the series. Personally i think it looks quite a professional and adds attention for the reader. 

Finally here is the beginning of my final piece. The magazine is beginning to shape really well and i feel im finally on track. Thanks to the opinion of my media teacher im still considering changing the central image but for now i will continue to build around it. 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Update on music magazine.

My magazine is beginning to take shape. Most of my ideas have been influenced by already existing magazines which gives me more confidence on how to make my magazine work. 

Thursday 6 February 2014

What i have done today?

Today i have uploaded my images and saved them to my USB stick to use them for my front cover,contents and double page spread. I have started my new front cover and will try to complete two designs so that i have a choice however the deadline is next week so i may not have time. I have also posted my update of the cover on my blog to show what i have achieved today.

Beginning of new music magazine

After much debate i have decided to use an image of myself and here is the beginning of my music magazine design. The new photos i took will be posted during the week. I have chosen a purple/pink title so that it stands out above the pink dress theme. This is my interpretation of pop.