Monday 12 May 2014

Evaluation - Part 5

                                       How did you attract/address your audience?

In order to answer question 5 i decided to make a video of how my music magazine, Tempo, attracts its target audience and so i used someone around the age range that it is targeted for, to supply some audience fed-back. i did this in an interview type of style to encourage answers out of her and gather an understanding of how i meet my audiences needs.

13-17 year old demographic:
By making this website i am able to reach my targeted audience and give them brand new offers through the use of social media as this is a teenagers main use of interaction.

-Colour scheme:
The colour scheme to my magazine is the main aspect as pop magazines focus on how to invite the reader in, for my age range the use of colour is a fantastic technique as it will draw a wider audience in as it makes the magazine look fun,vibrant and interesting.

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