Thursday 19 December 2013

Double page spread

Here are some ideas for my double page spread. I am thinking of having some very different postures to make mine more unique and interesting.

Health and safety

I will be taking most of my images in either; brick-lane, shorditch or the angel town centre. This is mainly because these locations have quite a fun and busy background which will fit with my "RnB" theme of music. Because we will be on the main streets and in public i need to think about the hazards that may occur. For example; if we are near any roads i will make sure to stay on the side that has a wall and keep out of the way of pedestrians. I will make sure to take the pictures during the day to prevent any late night dangers and also because i will have a canon camera i want to make sure my physical safety is not put to any harm. As a safety measure i will make sure i have an adult with me in certain areas such as brick-lane just incase any theft should occur. I will take around 60 images so i have a variety to chose from for both my front cover and contents page. These will consist of around two people to show different styles of "RnB". Photography style will also be thought about such as; the angle,position, posture, lighting and especially use of props. I need to make sure they all link with the theme so that my magazine can be as perfect as possible.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Defintions to key words from an exam based question.

proliferation- rapid increase in the number or increase in something.

Contemporary- belonging to or occurring in the present.

Synergy- the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

Thursday 12 December 2013

contents page examples.

Heres just some of the contents examples i found when researching. My favourite one is the one in the middle due to the candid angle. My second favourite would be the double page contents page as it is orginal and catchy.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Questionaire for my potential music magazine.

                          Survey for media music magazine!


 1) Which title do you like best?
Tempo     Buzzwizard       Tune clash     Fame


 2) Why did you choose the option you did?

   3) What types of images would you expect to see on an “RnB” magazine?

 4) The colour scheme is going to be red and white and black as you can see from the examples. Do you agree that these colours work?

5) If not what colour scheme would you recommend?

 6) When you think of “RnB” what images or words come to mind?

7) Do you think the title will grab an audience’s attention with the colour scheme?


8) Do you think the font design for the title is appropriately linked to the theme of “RnB”? If so how?


9) Any other fed back would be much appreciated…