Thursday 5 December 2013

Analysis of a music magazine.

This  magazine has a central image of Adele. She is a famous and well known artist within the music industry. The magazine "Q" have used her as she will bring the attention of a wide ranged audience that will in turn help the popularity of the magazine and as a result will sell out millions of copies.
The fact she i staring straight at the camera shows she is quite daring and rebelious which both male and female audiences will love as she shows females that they can not be controlled and it shows males that she is everything they admire.

The rest of the layout then revolves around Adele. She is not covered completely or forgotten about in the background but to make sure the words are seen the colour red has been used to stand out above her, which in some ways work. Red is the colour of passion,danger and seduction. As a result of this the audience will want to know more with every passing second.

The magazine also uses the sentence "blows us away" this reflects the image as it is clear that Adele's hair is being blown all over the place by some kind of unseen wind. This is a cliche on a hint of what kind of story they have on Adele and how the magazine are literally throwing the information at the audience to make them as interested as possible.
"Q" also uses a "flash". This is almost like a stamp on the front of a magazine to show added information that will catch the audiences eye and make they believe it is more important than any other information within the magazine.
They have made Adele look quite pale along with the pale writing to portray purity and almost hidden identity. As a result of this the red clashes with the white as its a mixture of pleasure yet danger, yet this all connect with the logo in the left hand corner of the magazine which in turn will not confuse the audience and will stand out without issue. The golden flash shows wealth and power suggesting that the information is both important and powerful in its own way. This is reflected when it quotes "The 300th issue" showing how successful the magazine has and will continue to be.

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