Friday 31 January 2014

Fed back

After a conversation with my media teacher i am feeling better and more confident about what i have to do to my work to achieve. I realise now that i need to change the genre to pop as i have a better understanding of this genre. So again tomorrow i will be setting out to take a fresh load of images to complete my cover page before the holidays.
I have also begun to make my contents page which will be posted during next week. However, i have found some difficulty with the layout and font. This is because i have used the same font the whole way through it just looks different due to the size i have had to use when stretching it out. This is something i will need to think about before i finish. In my personal opinion i also believe that the contents page is easier to complete than the cover page as i have more ideas for the contents page which will also be posted at some point next week.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Music magazine practice

This is a very rough draft of my music magazine cover. At the moment im just playing around with designs and font type. Going to keep practicing.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Media mock exam

I had my media mock exam today and i can safely say i prefer the coursework. However on the bright side it made me more determined to get my media A-level!!!!!!! so Now i am making plans for my next photo shoot consisting of; coloured photos, more props, better weather and NO school uniform ;)

Monday 13 January 2014


Although i like the images i took on friday the 10th of janurary, i am going to do another photo shoot to gain more photos and have a wide range of choice. i might also do some in colour so i can have an even wider range of choice.

Friday 10 January 2014

Photo shoot

With this photo I was trying to create a wonderous look. This is mainly because in RnB songs its full of depth and meaning whilst the lyrics speak for itself. In a magazine there are no words to be spoken so the images have to do the talking for itself. I believe in some ways I have achieved this as it appears there is a lot of story behind the image its down to the audience to judge what that might be.

With this image I was trying to create a typical RnB style with the headphones and constantly improving technology. This image shows a world were people and style are constantly changing people just have to be willing to except it.
With this image I feel it speaks for itself. This is a potential front cover photo as he is not your typical RnB character but he doesn't have something unique about him and as the magazine has to be different but have some characteristics I feel he has a uniqueness about him.
This image is amazing. it has so much depth to it and will go in my double page spread that will contain a montage of images.
This image was quite literally taken without either one knowing to see if I could get something special. Although its in the moment its still not as good as some of the others but will definatly be used in the montage.
I feel this image has a lot of character. Now although I did not take it I did direct the photographer throughout the whole shot. I wanted something that clicked with the RnB stereotype whilst making it feel modern at the same time. I have chosen black and white as I feel that RnB is quite straight forward there's not much in-between to a certain respect. the picture will add enough colour of its own to the audience it doesn't have to stand out to be recognised. In fact the black and white will make it stand out as it is something different.
RnB is mainly aimed at teenagers now days so this photo reflects how much people can respect the things around them and enjoy it. RnB has to relate to its audience and this image does.
Same again.
This image is so amazing. Im thinking about using for my double page spread as it is so natural and beautiful in its own right. it has so much meaning behind it and can really make an audience think.
This will go in the montage so people can see who helped with my work. But I also have other plans for this image which may consist of a small showing on the front cover. (still debating this)
Here I was trying to achieve a close up of two faces as some examples I have seen have used a similar technique.
And finally, here is the end of the road.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Photo shoot plans

Plaining for my photo shoot:

location: Brick-lane

Time: Friday 10th - 4pm-6pm
          Saturday 11th - 12pm-6pm

Shots: Side shoots

Props: Hoodie

Lighting: Mid-day
                Night time

Thursday 2 January 2014

Photo shoot

The photo shoot process will be happening tomorrow as I have been gathering a range of ideas and locations other than the ones I already have to give me a range of ideas for my music magazine.