Friday 31 January 2014

Fed back

After a conversation with my media teacher i am feeling better and more confident about what i have to do to my work to achieve. I realise now that i need to change the genre to pop as i have a better understanding of this genre. So again tomorrow i will be setting out to take a fresh load of images to complete my cover page before the holidays.
I have also begun to make my contents page which will be posted during next week. However, i have found some difficulty with the layout and font. This is because i have used the same font the whole way through it just looks different due to the size i have had to use when stretching it out. This is something i will need to think about before i finish. In my personal opinion i also believe that the contents page is easier to complete than the cover page as i have more ideas for the contents page which will also be posted at some point next week.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Errr. that was supposed to be thin about HOW you might use miss-en-scene !

    Sorry for the typo !

    You could also talk about the changes we suggested to your front cover and the need for better photos etc
