Thursday 27 March 2014

2nd Photo shoot - part 1

The "ohh" photo (as I like to call it). This photo was the first one I took in this position and I got this idea from one of the existing double page spreads of a "We love pop" magazine. The problem with this photo is my face is to far down and the legs are not positioned properly so the image looks slightly weird. Another problem with the image is my location, however the reason I did not focus on location to much was because I was planning on cutting all the images out anyway so didn't see the background to be too much of a problem. However I later found out that this was an issue as it took far to long to cut one image out.

This image is slightly better as my head is looking further up however the legs are still an issue and the camera is to far away from the models face. Although to be fair it is an improvement compared to the 1st photo taken.

Slightly better again...

Finally, here I seemed to have perfected the posture, however it is too similar to the "we love pop" image and so can not be used as the main image but may be used a small on the side of the central  image.

In the next five images I have decided to use a prop and the prop I have decided to use is a basketball. This is mainly because the double page spread will consist of an interview and the interview will be of "Amy-X" and as she is knew to the industry the reader will want to know as much about her as possible therefore I decided to make her hobbie basketball so she can connect with the younger audience. This will be reflected in one of the images to the side of the interview.
To a certain degree this image is good but I don't think it will work properly the way it should on the double page spread so I may not use it but I love the way the colour of the jeans and the ball clash to make them both stand out in the image. Shows the significance of both the artist and her interest. She is the centre of attention.
This image is good as its striking, again the contrast of the colours help it a lot, however if you look closely the image is blurred and so may not work where its needed. Its a shame because the model looks innocent and gains the interest of the audience, especially with the way the light is almost golden.

This image is by far the best image taken with the basketball as her facial expressions are interesting her posture is confident but questioning and she's holding the basketball as proud as she can so it stands out. This will be used on the double page spread as one of the little snip-its.

This image is also good as her stance is bold and confident.

In the next three photos I used a chair as a prop just to see if I could get a position that was unique and hadn't been used yet however, this was one of the worst ones as too much of the chair was in the shot.
This one was better but still too much chair in the shot.

This was the best chair one however the position was too male like and so I didn't think it would work well or it might have given off the wrong impression.

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