Wednesday 12 March 2014

Main features of a double page spread!

Double page spread ideas ...
Main conventions of a double page spread are:
  • Main image that outlines the whole page and signifies who and what the article is about
  • usually, for a pop magazine there is a "pull quote" from the article as the title
  • Normally, there will be more than one image 
  • The article will be about an interview of the artist and there fame or personal life
  • Certain bits from the article or the question will be highlighted so the audience take notice of this in particular
  • The article will be portioned off into to paragraphs of the question and the answer
  • The aim of the article is to be informative and provide the latest gossip for eager fans
  • The article will use "Drop capitols" at the beginning of the sentences or where it works 

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