Thursday 27 March 2014

Double page spread/ adjustments to contents page

Today i stayed in school for periods 6 and 7 to begin my double page spread. This is what i have done so far and in my opinion i think its a good start. My double page spread will be split into two so on one side will be the images of the person interviewed, and on the other will be the interview. I will also make the left hand side worthy of cutting out so it can be used as a poster for the consumer.
There are still many adjustments to make such as the images, colour of the page (if any), and i need to add the content of the interview, but as they say "so far, so good". Im hoping to complete my front cover and contents page by monday so all i have left to do is the double pages spread.

Today i also came to the decision (with some help from Mr Sloan) that i needed to alter my contents page as it looked too much like the existing magazine "We love pop". So baring that in mind i have rotated the box's that will contain the images in them and put the page numbers at the head of the box's so that it resembles these are key stories that must be read.
I have also added yellow circles around the page numbers to help them stand out even more and added two arrows at either end of the title to show that it has a uniqueness about it.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your contents page Connie. You've made it look just like a pop music magazine because of the bold fonts and the bright colour scheme. Keep up the good work
