Thursday 13 March 2014

Plan for my double page spread.

This is one idea for my double page spread, i decided i would like it to be quite packed but simply laid out at the same time. On the Right hand side i will have the interview of the artist, the questions will be in another colour so they stand out and beneath it will be the artists answer. Within the answers/ artists response will be a highlighted quote to show there may be some importance in what the artist said. Then on the Left hand side will be the main image of the artist looking bold and confident which will be made so that the reader can cut it out to use as a poster if they want to. There will also be little snaps of the same artist maybe even from the same photo shot to enhance their importance to the magazine. At the bottom of the image there will be a small caption of what the image was for and maybe where it was based, simply stating who it is and the basic information that a reader may need to know. At the beginning of the article i will also have an introduction of the artist and here i will add a "Drop capital" just so the reader has something to go on if they have not heard about them before. (Background history) The "Pull quote" will be based at the top of the Right hand page so that the reader is instantly dragged in to the story/interview, getting the hocked from the beginning. The name of the artist will also be at the top as well maybe in italics so that the article is clear on who it is about. 

My second idea is simular to the first but just swapped round so that the main image of the artist will be on the Right hand side instead, it will still be able to be cut out to use as a poster if required but this time there will only be one image. I believe they call this a portrait of the artist. Then on the Left hand side will be another image of the artist in a different position or location and the article will be right next to it. The "Pull quote" will be placed at the top in order to gain the readers attention at first glance. 

Overall, i think i prefer my first idea so i will begin to make it using photoshop and see how it turns out, this is mainly because this one seems to work the most effectivly whilst consisting of all the conventions of a double page spread. 

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